Sharing something I read...
"My last advice: Don’t alter, disguise, hide, manipulate, or be ashamed of your own passion. Even if your passion is currently out of fashion, disrespected, made fun of, or ignored, stick with it. Be faithful to it. Don’t let your insecurity, loneliness, and fear compromise it. You like Britney Spears? You are subscribed to Martha Stewart Living? You love computer programming? Don’t ever feel ashamed or be embarrassed, no matter how lame, silly, or uncool it may be to others. You don’t need to make any excuses for liking something. You won’t regret it. It may sound to you like I am coming from the position of someone who succeeded at this, but I didn’t. I do not have many regrets in my life, but there are some, most of which are related to this issue. In retrospect, I can see how I ended up compromising my passion because I was feeling lonely, craving for attentions and respects. I actually feel bad for my passion, as if it were something independent within me, like a neglected child for whom I finally have the courage to stand up"